Sunday, November 6, 2011

Utah has many things but Canada has my family!

My family came down conference weekend and the whole weekend was sooooo much fun! I just love my family and I cannot wait to see them in 2 weeks!
 This was the reflection in a window! It kind of looks like a double exposure... but you can kind of see us down at the bottom posing! hahaha
 I always wanted to watch conference in this old conference center but the year i turned 8 was the year the new center was finished! Maybe one day... I just think it is the most AMAZING building and so cool how the acoustics are perfect!

Luckily my family will never let me drag my feet! I love them and the church!

Till Next Time,
Phoebe Evans


  1. Holly looks like a pioneer. Or like a lady who has a job walking around temple square pretending to be a pioneer.
    We miss you!!!!

  2. or a homeless person since the pioneers first came to utah...

    i'm sorry i ruined one of your film pictures...they look cool though!
