Monday, April 9, 2012

another pile of rocks

Getting sick of the cathedrals and castles?? Well luckily these 2 are unique! Reims was the cathedral where all the Kings of France were crowned and has the most statues of humans or saints or something in all of France. My personal favourite was the Happy Angel. Did Napoleon Dynamite visit here at one time?? hahaha

Laon was another matter entirely. You know how you always want to go up on the second little floor of the cathedrals. Well our tour guide took us up there!! I know... LUCKY!!! Guess what else?!?!?! She took us all the way to the top of the towers too!! It was an AMAZING view!! And a dream come true!!!

À Bientôt,
p.s. It is my dream to one day play a HUGE organ!!!!!! possibly like this:


  1. The face on that Angel is BRILLIANT!!!
    New item on my list of people to meet in heaven:
    60 the person who carved that angel.
